Under general administrative direction of the Humboldt County Library Board of
Trustees, the Library Director manages the activities and operations of the County
Library System including both general library administration and public services;
coordinates assigned activities with outside agencies and provides administrative
support to the Library Board of Trustees.
The County Library System includes the main library in Winnemucca, satellite
libraries in Denio and McDermitt, as well as a bookmobile.
This is a single position, department head classification responsible for the overall
management of the County Library System and for supervision of its staff and
management of it resources consistent with the policy direction of the Library Board
of Trustees. The Library Director is an “at-will” employee serving at the pleasure of
the Library board of Trustees.
Recruitment Opens: August 4, 2015
Closing Deadline: September 18, 2015
Anticipated Start Date: November 2015
Applicants are required to submit the following:
- Letter of Introduction and Statement of Philosophy
- Resume
- Copy of transcripts, and
- Minimum of three professional references,
to Jeanne Greene at jeannegreene@poolpact.com. All information must be
received by 5:00 p.m. on September 18, 2015. If you have any questions regarding
this position or the recruitment process, contact Jeanne Greene at (775)887-2240,
Job Salary: $81,639 - $114,211 plus excellent benefits.
For complete job listing please visit www.hcnv.us