The Position
Under general and policy direction of the Elko-Lander-Eureka County Library Systems Board of Trustees, serves as executive director of the library system pursuant to the Library System Board of Trustees by-laws and Nevada Revised Statute.
The Library Director functions as the department head of the Elko-Lander-Eureka County Library System. The incumbent is an “at-will” employee serving at the pleasure of the Board of Trustees.
The Library Director:
- Assumes full management responsibility for all library services and activities including program development, materials acquisition, and general administration.
- Manages the development and implementation of the Library’s goals, objectives, policies, and priorities for each service area; establishes, within Elko-Lander-Eureka County policies, appropriate services, and staffing levels; allocates resources accordingly.
- Represents the Library to other county departments, elected officials, and outside agencies; explains, justifies, and defends Library programs, policies, and activities; negotiates and resolves sensitive, significant, and controversial issues.
- Provides leadership to employ and develop high performance professional and support staff.
- Manages and participates in the development and administration of the library system budget; directs the forecast of additional funds needed for staffing, equipment, materials, and supplies; within Elko-Lander-Eureka County policy, directs the monitoring and approval of expenditures; directs the preparation and implementation of budgetary adjustments as necessary; prepares grants and actively seeks alternative funding.
- Coordinates Library building projects; manages building and physical maintenance of all County owned, leased, and occupied properties in conjunction with the appropriate entity Public Works Department.
- Oversees all Library publicity and promotion, including but not limited to, press releases, newsletters, public service announcements, bulletins, articles, radio spots, and TV interviews.
- Participates on a variety of boards and commissions; attends and participates in professional group meetings; keep staff abreast of new trends and innovations in the field of Library and information services.
The Elko-Lander-Eureka County Library System is a tri-county system, with the Elko County Library as the headquarters, which includes 10 branches: Austin, Battle Mountain, Carlin, Crescent Valley, Eureka, Jackpot, Tuscarora, West Wendover, Wells, and the Northeastern Nevada Bookmobile. The library system encompasses 27,000 square miles.
Nevada Revised Statute 379.002 defines the goal of public libraries as “providing the resources and trained staff to meet the informational needs of all citizens.” The Elko-Lander-Eureka County Library System provides materials to all members of our communities to meet their educational, informational, recreational and cultural needs, utilizing both print and non-print technology. We are dedicated to providing quality service to all.
The purpose of the Elko-Lander-Eureka County Library System is to preserve and disseminate knowledge and thought as recorded in print and other media, and to provide a maximum of assistance to our clients in the use of the collection. We seek to build knowledge, understanding, appreciation and wisdom in our adults, young people and children.
The Elko-Lander-Eureka County Library System strives to give equality in library service to all areas of the tri-county library system. It is the duty of the public library to collect information to the maximum extent possible; to make it available to all and to assist all people to find and use the information that is contained therein. The public library's greatest asset is its neutrality and availability to present ideas representative of all points of view.
Applicants are required to submit the following:
- Letter of Introduction
- Resume
- Completed Elko County employment application available at
- Copy of transcripts, and
- Three professional references
to Jeanne Greene at All information must be received by 5:00 p.m. on October 14, 2016. If you have any questions regarding this position or the recruitment process, contact Jeanne Greene at 775-887-2240.
It is important to note this recruitment will be handled in accordance with Nevada’s Open Meeting Law. Applicant finalists will be interviewed by the Library Board in an open meeting. Elko County is an Equal Opportunity Employer. For additional information regarding Elko County, please visit and
Recruitment Schedule
(Subject to change)
Recruitment Opens: September 16, 2016
Closing Deadline: October 14, 2016
Library Board Interviews: Date to be determined between November 29, 2016 and December 9, 2016